Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Artistically Speak-ing

In 1947, the famous artist, Jackson Pollock, said, "On the floor, I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around in it, work from the four sides, and be literally 'in' the painting."

In Speak, Mr. Freeman encourages the same union between artist and the work of art being created. He wants his students, especially Melinda, to put emotion into their art so that it becomes an extension of themselves.

Visit the links below and view each painting carefully. Then, decide which one you think represents Melinda the best. In your post, state: 1) the painting you chose and 2) the reason WHY you chose it using details from both the painting and the book.

Links to paintings:
Vincent Van Gogh: http://www.vangoghgallery.com/catalog/image.aspx?fn=images/0612.jpg
Hopper: http://www.americanart.si.edu/images/1986/1986.6.92_1a.jpg Monet: http://claudemonetgallery.org
Degas: http://www.oil-paintings-reproductions.com/
Pollack: http://www.kaliweb.com/jacksonpollock/art.htmPicasso: http://images1.dailypainters.com/


Dominic2.0 said...
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@yanich36 said...

The picture that best represents Melinda to me is the picture by Jackson Pollack called "Autumn Rhythm". I think that this best represents Melinda becasue there is a bright side covered by a dark side. Melinda used to have friends and happiness but after one day and one phone call her life turned for the worst and she is losing all her friends and her good life....

Maria Mosquera said...
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Sofia said...
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Dominic2.0 said...

I decided to use the picture from http://www.kaliweb.com/jacksonpollock/images/art/autumnrhythm.jpg which to me looks like someone took a paint brush and splatered paint all over the canvass. But speaking about "Speak" I think that it represents Melinda's life because her life is a mess, and the painting is a mess. Melinda's life is a mess because the author, Laurie Halse Anderson, wrote that her family is not very close. Laurie also wrote that she is not doing very well in school, and that her social life only consists of only one friend, and even that friend is not close.


Sofia said...


Right when i saw this one i immediately thought that it explained Melinda perfectly. I feel that it is confusing just like Melinda and is unquie like her. When she created her sculpture with the turkey bones it is kind of like this, because it is just thrown together but explains something strongly.

peter5 said...

I chose the picture from http://claudemonetgallery.org. I chose this picture because I think the picture shows that she is a girl thats lonely. Melinda says shes an outcast from others around her so I think this picture best describes her because there isnt anyone around her like friends our family. Her family does not get along with each other and the only friend she has is Heather.

Courtney said...

I think the painting by Jackson Pollock would best represent Melinda's character because the black splatters would be Melinda's persona outside while the white splatters would be what Melinda is thinking inside and what is really happening.

Anonymous said...

I think the painting by Jackson Pollack best represents Melinda's life because the painting was once normal, just like the paper was before Pollack started the painting, but now, her life is a mess, just as the painting is.

Kendall said...
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Maria Mosquera said...

I feel like Pallock's painting best describes Melinda's character because the painting is messy and splattered all over the place like Melinda's life. The painting feels like it is hiding or containing something that wants to come out but does not know where to start.
-Maria Mosquera

gabbyk(: said...
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gabbyk(: said...

1. I chose "Woman With a Parasol" by Claude Monet to best represent Melinda. http://www.claudemonetgallery.org/Woman-With-A-Parasol-Aka-Study-Of-A-Figure-Outdoors-(Facing-Left).html

2. I chose this painting because it shows a woman standing alone in a field with her face blurred out. This reminds me of Melinda because Melinda is technically alone in her world. No one understands her or understands why she called the police that night, and no one, not even her ex-friends, asked why she did it. The blurred face represents the fact that Melinda cannot stand the sight of her own reflection because it seems like she is ashamed of what happend to her. I also noticed that the flowers in front of where the woman is standing are dark colored while the others are light, probably representing that the woman in this picture is carrying around darkness with her, such as a burden or secret, just like Melinda.

Taylor said...
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Kendall said...

I think the best painting that portarys Melinda would be the one by Picasso. The lady in the painting is looking at a picture just like how Melinda is replaying the night over and over again in her mind. The lady is also in a dark room just like how Melinda is hiding from the world her secrets. There is a door with light coming out of it. This represents the world and the dark room represents her being shut out from it.

kia said...

The picture I chose that I think best represents Melinda is "The Rehearsal Onstage" by Edgar Degas. In this photo there is a group of dancers rehearsing their routine, but in the backgorund there is one dancer that stands out. While the rest of the dancers look like they are doing what they are supposed to, one dancer screams. In the book during the pep rally, all of the students were cheering and yelling, but Melinda just screamed. She knew that no one would notice because the rest of the crowd was yelling too, but she was letting out what she felt inside. The photo shows how that one dancer does not fit in and just screams.

Unesha said...

I think that this painting http://www.claudemonetgallery.org/The-Road-To-Chailly.html, best represents Melinda because, it is very dark and lonley, like herself.This painting involved many trees which tied into the theme of her art project.All of Melinda's trees that she created seemed dark to her. Which were like these in this picture.

hi!_i'm_skyler!:) said...

The painting I chose is "Two Trees in a Meadow" painted by Claude Oscar Monet. I feel that this painting best reperesents Melinda. This painting represents Melinda because it has two trees standing alone and among all of the other trees. The two alone trees symbolize Melinda and Heather. The other trees symbolize the numerous people of the highschool. Melinda refered to herself as," ...a wounded zebra...looking for someone." She refered to Heather as, "...another wounded zebra." This information prooved that they were both outcasts and felt that they did not fit in with everyone else.
Melinda can also use this picture as an inspiration in her art project. The objective of her art project is to make a tree the way that best represents her. This would be a perfect image to portray her feelings at this time of the book to the readers. I feel that this painting is very simple but, many people can understand a message form it, that can illustrate their lives or someone else's lives.
-Skyler :)

Alivia said...

I think this picture best represents Melinda because it is not how you would picture a typical teenage girl. Her exterior shows fear and her interior is very uneasy and filled with anger. Melinda, however, is one of a kind and so is this painting.

Taylor said...

I chose The Studio Boat2 by Claude Monet. http://www.claudemonetgallery.org/The-Studio-Boat2.html
The painting depicts a man sitting inside of a boat, alone, immersed in his art. I think it relates to Melinda very well. She isolates herself from the rest of the world, She hides in the janitor's closet, a place where she feels safe, whether it is to escape confrontation with someone or just to think. She separates herself from others by no longer being herself, and never saying what she wants to and has to say. She does not agree with the clans at school, yet she wants to fit in. She wants to tell her ex-friends what really happened that night, but fear is preventing her from doing so.