Monday, January 2, 2012

Copper Sun

What is the difference between being scared and being brave? Are those qualities mutually exclusive? Meaning, does having one mean you can't have the other? Is Amari brave? is Tidbit? Polly? Explain their journeys and how they demonstrated fear and/or bravery.


@yanich36 said...
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Sofia said...

Being scared is having fear and being cautious in situations where as bravery is not being scared and being courageous. If you are scared then you cannot be brave but if you are brave then you can have the feeling of being scared. They are all brave. Amari found food, Tidbit is very young and still survived the terrible journey, and Polly had to pretend to be their owner. Throughout all of their journey they had to be brave on the outside but on the inside they were terrified.

Taylor said...

To be scared means to be filled with terror and alarm, or to be frightened. To be brave means to be courageous, and to be ready to endure the challenges that may come with the situation at hand. With this in mind, both are pretty much opposites. But are they mutually exclusive? Certainly not.
You can be brave and scared at the same time. Demonstrating bravery and courage usually requires a person to overcome their fears in the first place! When you show courage, you are doing your best to put such fears aside in order to complete the obstacles you may face. You can show bravery while being utterly terrified inside.
Amari, Tidbit, and Polly are all brave. They had the choice of staying at the plantation, eventually being sold, and, for the most part, knowing of what was to come. Yet they were brave, and chose to escape, for that small chance of freedom. There were cases where they showed courage, but still had fear, individually as well. Amari was brave to lie to Clay right to his face when he caught her, but was definitely still afraid. Tidbit missed his mother, and was afraid to journey without her, but persevered, despite his young age. Polly carried the burden of having to lie and to act as their owner in case of capture.

Kendall said...

The difference between being scared and brave is that when you are scared you are wary to doing something and hesitant. When you are brave you have no second guesses and are very courageous. These qualities are not mutually exclusive because you could be scared of heights but brave enough to go on a roller coaster. Amari is very brave but is also scared on the inside. She does not show this quality because she wants to be courageous for Tidbit and Polly. Tidbit is scared but is brave for dealing without a Mother, even though Amari is really like his Mother. Polly is scared that they will get caught. This is best described when they come face to face with Clay Derby or the other people that significantly help them on their journey. Tidbit is scared but seriously what little kid would not without a Mother? He is a very brave child though. Amari has been through a lot and that is why she is so brave. If all of this stuff had not happened to her she would not be as brave as she was when they escaped.

Anonymous said...

The difference between being scared and being brave is that when you are scared you have a fear of something that could be caused by personal experience. When you are brave you are being courageous or bold when going through difficulties in life. These two qualities are not mutually exclusive. When you are brave, you could also be scared because you have many different fears you want to overcome but when you are scared you can not be brave at the same time because bravery is usually given to someone who tries to overcome their major fears. Amari, Tidbit, and Polly show bravery on their journey to becoming free. For example they demonstrated bravery by escaping in the first place even though they knew there was a chance they would get caught but they still tried to escape anyways.

Courtney said...

Fear is a response to feeling threatened. It causes someone to be frightened and be wary about their surroundings. Bravery is acting with courage in certain situations. I think that fear and bravery are not mutually exclusive. Fear can evoke bravery. Or vice versa, bravery can evoke fear. Amari, Tidbit and Polly are definitely brave. Amari's whole journey from the start of her tribe being attacked to now leaving Derbyshire farm shows innumerable acts of bravery. Amari has survived the worst and what makes her brave is her strong willpower to survive for her family and friends. Tidbit is only four and at that age all you have known is your mother. In the sense that that is a piece of home and you do not want to leave where you are most comfortable. Polly is brave because she is trying to escape along with Amari and Tidbit even though she has heard what some of the consequences are for indentured servants.

hi!_i'm_skyler!:) said...

The difference between being scared and being brave is that being brave means that you may have the scared factor but you do not show it. To be brave, you need to push the feeling of fear away and do something that you know may benefit you or someone you know. To be scared, you are frightened or fearful of a situation, event, person, or item. Tidbit, Amari, and Polly all showed bravery in this story.
They all masked their fear behind bravery, but in some instances their fear does show. Tidbit, definitely showed bravery when he embarked on the long and treacherous journey with Amari and Polly. He often did show signs of his sacredness when he said, " I want my mommy." Amari showed much bravery on their long journey when she led them towards the south and also when they encountered Clay. She also showed she was brave when, she agreed to take care of Tidbit and be a mother-like figure to him. She showed she was scared when she found out she was pregnant with Clay's baby, but she bravely accepted the responsibility and began to love the unborn baby. Polly showed bravery, because she acted like the owner of Amari and Tidbit to prevent them from being captured. She also showed bravery when she shot Clay to save Amari's life. She took more of a leadership role than the other characters and masked her sacredness behind bravery more than showing it.

dominic said...

When you are scared you are being cautious or timid. When you being brave you are doing something that makes you scared. I think that you can be both brave and scared because in my theroy you have to be scared to be able to do something brave. I think that Amari, Polly, and Tidbit are all both brave in some parts and scared in some parts, for example when Amari started her journey to Fort Mose she did not know if it was real or not. She was scared, but she was also brave because she began her journey and persevered with it. Tidbit did not know what was happening in his life. Polly came from an indenture and is risking being captured and dying.

Mikaylaaaa said...

When you are scared your are most likely in fear of something, this usually happens when you or someone else or thing is in danger. I believe being brave is alot harder than being scared. To be brave is to stand up to something or someone without fear. No, these to words are DEFFINETLY not mutually exclusive. You can be brave but scared at the same time. I have done that many times. For example- Being brave enough to walk in a haunted house first, while still being scared out of your mind. Yes, Amari is very brave. She agreed to let Tidbit go with Polly and her, and she watched and protected him as hard as she could. Tidbit was also brave to, he left his "mamma" and fought through the harsh journey. Finally, Polly is brave also, she ran away with 2 African American slaves and stayed with them even though she could leave them or turn them in. In all they were all very brave through the whole journey and sometimes scared like in the beginning of the book when Amari was on the ship and wanted to die but fought through.

gabbyk(: said...

To be scared is to express fear or be frightened, while being brave is to possess courage and to have the will and strength to overcome and keep going. Although the meanings of these words are almost opposites, a person can possess the traits, fearfulness and bravery at the same time. Sometimes bravery is caused by fear, such as when the soldiers took Amari at night while on the ship. Although she was scared she managed to be brave and never gave up on her will to live, even after all of the terrible things that happened to her on the ship. Fearfulness can also be triggered by bravery. Amari, Tidbit, and Polly all had the courage to escape, travel in the hot sun, and sleep in the woods, but the fear of getting caught was overwhelming for them. I believe that all three of them were brave. Amari was brave for enduring all of the struggles she faced in the few months the story took place. Polly was brave for standing up for herself, befriending a slave, and staying with them the whole journey when she could have just left. Lastly, Tidbit was brave for losing his mother and still finding hope while traveling through the forest and keeping the girls happy even through his loss. Their encounter with Clay must have needed a lot of courage, along with the times they almost got caught.

@yanich36 said...

Bravery is the will in you to stand firm and not back down. Fear is something that makes you tense up and feel the need for protection. Being brave will make you stronger in times that you would normally be scared making you more prone to fear. Being scared will make your life one of caution not showing you how to live life to the extreme. Amari is brave because even when she wanted to die or had something scary ahead of her she trusted her instincts and knew that she had to live or the owners would win making her feel like a slave forever. Tidbit is brave especially when he is gator bait he is brave he will get out and brave to face the hardships to become a free man. Polly is brave but she also has the piece of doubt which makes her fear some situations but she was brave enough to trust Amari even when she did not want too. Their journey to freedom was long, hard, and scary. They had to work together and did to find food, shelter, and in the end the key to there freedom. They were all brave inside and out to go to this Fort Mose place without being stopped. They feared things along the way but bravery brought them to their freedom. Even Amari looked past having Clay's baby and decided that it was hers not his and she will love it no matter what.

Anonymous said...

To be scared is to be unwilling to do something out of fear of it. If someone were to be scared of clowns, they'd try to avoid them and be cautious around them. Amari, Polly, and Tidbit were terrified on their journey, but they were brave and kept going. To be brave, you don't have to be tough. You can still be scared. To be brave is to do something you can be scared of or not scared of. The fact of the matter is, you still do it, just as Amari, Polly, and Tidbit continued on their journey.

kia said...

The difference between being scared and being brave is that when you are scared you have a fear. When you are brave you show courage for yourself or others during difficult situations. They are not mutually exclusive. If you are brave you hide your fear in order to stay courageous. Although Amari, Polly, and Tidbit all were scared, they all managed to show their bravery in some way.

kia said...

The difference between being scared and being brave is that when you are scared you have a fear. When you are brave you show courage for yourself or others during difficult situations. They are not mutually exclusive. If you are brave you hide your fear in order to stay courageous. Although Amari, Polly, and Tidbit all were scared, they all managed to show their bravery in some way.

**-Banks-** said...

The difference between being scared and being brave is that when your scared you probably learned or seen something that made you scared. In "Copper Sun" Amari says all throughout her journey she was scared, but along all that scared-ness she found bravery, actually they all found bravery.
Polly was scared of getting caught, Amari was scared to look after Tidbit and to be the leader or kind of the "mother of the group" and Tidbit was scared of losing his mom. Despite all of these obstacles, the three of them presisted on their journey to freedom. This to me is bravery. Bravery is to stand up against something and fight against it or do something out of the ordinary or bold.

kia said...

The difference between being scared and being brave is that when you are scared you have a fear. When you are brave you show courage for yourself or others during difficult situations. They are not mutually exclusive. If you are brave you hide your fear in order to stay courageous. Although Amari, Polly, and Tidbit all were scared, they all managed to show their bravery in some way.